Full Mouth
Dental Implants

Affordable options for full mouth dental implants.


When it comes to replacing missing teeth, dental implants have dramatically enhanced the field of restorative dentistry. One of the most comprehensive and effective options for patients with multiple missing teeth is the full mouth dental implant treatment. At Ageless Smiles Dental Centre, you can rest assured that we will give you a full, confident smile.

What Are Full Mouth Dental Implants?

Full mouth dental implants, also known as full arch dental implants, are a restorative dental treatment that involves replacing all the teeth within one dental arch (or jaw) with dental implants. The full mouth dental implant procedure aims to provide a permanent and natural-looking solution for patients who have lost most or all of their teeth.

If necessary, replacing a full arch of teeth with dental implants is a feasible option. With advancements in implant dentistry, you can seamlessly transition from temporary or failing dental prostheses to a stable and functional set of new teeth supported by 4 or 6 implants.

full mouth dental implants cost and options in perth

Benefits of Getting Full Mouth Dental Implants

Research from the Australian Dental Association (ADA) suggests that about 1 in 4 Australians are missing all their teeth by age 65. While full mouth implants aren’t the only option for replacing missing teeth, they are becoming increasingly popular due to their benefits. We’ve summarised the major benefits of full mouth dental implants below.

Benefit Explanation
Improved chewing ability Dental implants function like natural teeth, which allows you to eat a wider variety of foods without discomfort or limitations.
Clearer speech Secure implants eliminate slipping and clicking associated with dentures. This leads to improved pronunciation and clearer communication.
Natural-looking smile As dental implants closely resemble natural teeth in appearance and feel, many patients experience less fear and anxiety related to their replacement teeth.
Increased comfort Unlike dentures, implants are fixed and don’t require adhesives, which removes irritation and promotes comfort while eating and speaking.
Better oral hygiene Implants allow for easier cleaning compared to dentures. This improved oral hygiene will reduce the risk of gum disease and infections.
Durable solution With proper care, implants can last a lifetime, offering a permanent and reliable replacement for missing teeth.
Prevents bone loss Unlike dentures, implants stimulate bone growth, prevent jawbone deterioration, and maintain facial structure.
Improved facial structure Implants support facial tissue, counteract a sunken appearance, and support a more youthful look.
Boosted self-confidence A beautiful smile can positively impact personal and professional interactions, and often leads to increased confidence and self-esteem.
Enhanced quality of life Enjoying food, speaking clearly, and smiling confidently can significantly improve your overall happiness and well-being.

Types of Full Mouth Dental Implants

There are two commonly used types of full mouth dental implant solutions: All-on-4 (four dental implants supporting a full arch of teeth) and All-on-6 (six dental implants supporting a full set of teeth). The choice of treatment depends on how strong your bite is, your overall oral health, bone density, and your jawbone structure. Our experienced dentists will discuss your options with you and determine the best treatment during your consultation.

What Is the Cost of Full Mouth Dental Implants?

The average cost of full mouth dental implants starts at $25,000 per jaw. The total cost will vary depending on several factors, including:

  • The number of implants needed
  • The type of implant used
  • The experience and location of the dentist
  • Any additional procedures required (e.g., bone grafting, general anaesthetic)

* Prices are only provided as a general guide and are not intended to be binding. Your dentist needs to conduct an accurate assessment of your specific medical needs for any dental procedure before they provide you with a cost estimate.

full mouth dental implants cost and options in perth
Full Mouth Dental Implants Cost and Options In Perth

Full Mouth Dental Implants Procedure

Stage 1: Examination and Assessment

The process of full mouth dental implants begins with a thorough examination and assessment of your oral health. Your dentist will use X-rays, high-definition 3D scanning, and cone beam CT (CBCT) scans to examine your mouth in detail. Your dentist will also examine your bone structure and assess your medical history.

Stage 2: The Treatment Plan

Developing a treatment plan involves extensive collaboration between you and your dental professionals. The plan outlines the number of implants to be placed and the type of prosthetics to be used, and it will lay out the different stages of the treatment process.

Stage 3: The Surgical Process

The surgical phase of full mouth dental implants involves the precise placement of the dental implants into the jawbone. This procedure is usually performed under local anaesthesia to ensure your comfort throughout the process. Some dental implant surgeries are done under general anaesthetic, but this depends on how complex the procedure is as well as your level of dental anxiety.

Stage 4: Post-Operative Care and Recovery

After the surgery, you can expect some initial discomfort, which can be managed with your prescribed pain medications. Proper post-operative care and sticking to the recovery guidelines provided by our dental team will be crucial for successful healing. Following your dentist’s instructions is also important to support the implants’ osseointegration (bonding) with your jawbone.

Long-Term Success and Maintenance

Maintaining good oral hygiene practices and attending regular dental examinations are essential for the long-term success of full mouth dental implants. Our dental team will provide care instructions and schedule follow-up appointments to monitor the health and stability of your tooth implants.

Potential Complications and Solutions

While full mouth dental implants are highly successful, they are not immune to potential complications. Issues such as implant failure or peri-implantitis (inflammation around the implants) may arise. However, with prompt intervention and professional care, these concerns can be effectively addressed.

Who Is an Ideal Candidate for Full Mouth Dental Implants?

You’re an ideal candidate for full mouth dental implants if you have severe tooth loss or compromised oral function, or if you’re looking for a permanent restorative dental solution. The candidacy for full mouth dental implants is evaluated through a thorough consultation process with experienced dental professionals.

Seeking treatment from experienced dental professionals like our team at Ageless Smiles Dental Centre, who understand implant dentistry is incredibly important for the success of your full mouth dental implants. You should always verify the qualifications, expertise, and track record of your dental care team before starting this comprehensive treatment journey.

If you need top-notch dental implants and a great dentist in Perth, contact us at (08) 9478 3598. We’ve got you covered with high-quality dental brands and materials!


Full Mouth Dental Implants FAQs

Are dental implants permanently fixed in the mouth?

Yes, dental implants are designed to be a near-permanent solution for tooth replacement. With proper care and maintenance, they can last a lifetime.

Do full mouth dental implants look and feel natural?

While not feeling exactly like natural teeth, full mouth implants closely mimic appearance and function. The strong bond with your jawbone promotes natural chewing and speech, while custom restorations provide a stunning, natural-looking smile.

Do full mouth dental implants hurt?

Implant surgery itself shouldn’t be painful with local anaesthesia. Afterwards, expect soreness and discomfort for a few days, which is manageable with medication. Healing generally takes months, with possible tenderness. Consult your dentist for specific pain expectations.

** Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek an opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. **