
Where Quality Meets Precision in Dental Implants.

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Gone are the days of clunky dentures and awkward bridgework. Dental implants have fundamentally altered how we replace missing teeth, as they offer an aesthetically pleasing, long-lasting solution. But with over 150 brands vying for attention in the global dental implant market, choosing the right one can feel stressful.

We’ve put together a guide to simplify your journey. From their storied pasts to their advanced innovations, we’ll unpack the top brands’ unique strengths and what to look out for. At Ageless Smiles Dental Centre, we personalise your treatment plan and take your choices and concerns to heart.

What Are the Most Popular Dental Implant Brands?

Remember, the “best” brand depends on your unique circumstances and preferences. Research, discuss options with your dentist, and make an informed decision for a successful dental implant treatment.

Brand Established Pros Cons
Straumann 1954 High-end, innovative, extensive research, long-term success Higher cost
Hiossen (Osstem Implant) 2006 Affordable, numerous options, strong clinical data Less established than other brands
Zimmer Biomet Zimmer – 1927 Biomet – 1977 Large company, diverse range of implants, global reach Complex system
Nobel Biocare
1981 Well-established, biocompatible materials, predictable outcomes Moderate cost
Dentsply Sirona Dentsply – 1899 Sirona – 1877
(merged 2016)
Large company, established reputation, wide availability Lower-cost options may have less clinical research
BioHorizons 1994 Strong research focus, patient-specific solutions, competitive pricing Limited product range compared to some
Euroteknika 1999 Innovative surface technology, European quality, cost-effective Less familiar brand globally
Megagen 2002 Affordable, diverse implant systems, growing market share Not widely available
Implant Direct 2006 Direct-to-dentist model, lower cost, limited product range Newer brand, less clinical data
DTI 1985 Strong clinical research, patient-specific focus, growing popularity Limited global availability

What to Look for When Choosing a Dental Implant Brand

Are you missing teeth? Dental implants offer a life-changing solution, but navigating the 150+ brands competing for your consideration can be daunting. Here’s how to make an informed choice:

  1. Cost is important, but you should prioritise longevity, success rates, and biocompatibility. Leading dental implant brands like Straumann, Nobel Biocare, and Zimmer Biomet have done extensive research and boast high success rates, but they do come at a premium cost.
  2. Emerging players like BioHorizons and Megagen offer competitive pricing and strong clinical data. You can also explore regional favourites like Euroteknika and DTI for cost-effective European quality.
  3. Don’t underestimate your dentist’s expertise; they navigate this landscape daily. Discuss your individual needs, bone density, and aesthetic goals with your dentist. Their experience with specific brands is invaluable.
  4. Research, but remember that there are limitations. Online reviews offer insights, but individual experiences will vary. Focus on brand reputation, clinical studies, and certifications from independent bodies.
  5. Be an active participant! Armed with this knowledge, ask informed questions about your chosen brand’s suitability for your needs. Open communication with your dentist is key to selecting the right brand.

Why Are There So Many Dental Implant Brands?

  • Research and development are fierce, with brands constantly upgrading implant materials, designs, and surface treatments. Each dental implant system claims unique advantages, which drives the competition.
  • People come in all shapes and sizes, and so do their dental needs. The variety ensures implant options for diverse jawbone densities, budget constraints, and desired aesthetics.
  • Costs vary significantly. Global giants like Straumann offer premium quality, while Australian favourites like Southern Implants provide more cost-effective options. It’s also worth noting that different brands cater to different price points.
  • Dentists develop preferences based on experience and training, but the market consists of both established brands and innovative newcomers. This diverse landscape allows dentists to choose what they trust the most.
  • Australia isn’t immune to the global dental implant scene. While international brands dominate, local players like Southern Implants and Biomet carve their niche with competitive pricing and regional awareness.
dental implants brands
Top 10 Dental Implant Brands in Perth, WA
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We Offer the Best Dental Implants Brands at Affordable Prices

At Ageless Smiles Dental Centre in Australia, we understand the importance of choice and value when it comes to dental implants. That’s why we offer a curated selection of leading and trusted dental implant brands to ensure both outstanding quality and affordability.

We team up with trusted suppliers to offer you good deals on dental implants without sacrificing quality. Whether you prefer top brands like Straumann or up-and-coming ones like BioHorizons, we have choices that fit what you want and what you can afford, including dental implant cost.

Let our experienced implant dentistry team guide you through the choices and ensure you receive the perfect implant solution for a confident, lasting smile. Visit Ageless Smiles Dental Care and experience the difference – superior dental care at accessible prices. Contact us today.

Dental Implant Brands FAQs

Does dental implant success depend on the brand?

Brand isn’t the biggest factor in dental implant success, but it plays a role. While your dentist’s skills as well as your health hugely impact the outcome, some brands boast more successful designs or better materials.

High-end dental implants may offer advantages like improved surface area for bone integration, but the cost-benefit isn’t proven.

When did dental implants become popular?

Dental implants existed in primitive forms for millennia, but modern popularity took root in the 1950s. Dr Brånemark accidentally discovered titanium’s ability to fuse with bone, leading to the first successful implant in 1965. However, widespread adoption was slow due to limited research and high costs.

The 1980s saw advancements in materials and techniques, followed by a surge in popularity in the 1990s and 2000s driven by increased awareness, improved affordability, and growing evidence of dental implants’ long-term benefits. Today, dental implants are a mainstream choice for replacing missing teeth because they offer a natural-looking and near-permanent solution.

Are any dental implant brands covered by insurance?

Unfortunately, brand-specific coverage isn’t the norm for dental implants in Australia; however, major dental insurance might partially cover the procedure. The specific brand used often falls under the dentist’s discretion and isn’t directly factored into coverage. To know your exact coverage, check your policy details or reach out to your provider.